Wendy Axelrod, Ph.D.

I believe most of us want to keep growing and want to help others grow as well. That’s what the offerings on this website are all about.
For over three decades, as a corporate leader and consultant, my efforts have been dedicated to professional and organizational development, working with thousands of people in one-on-one executive coaching engagements, workshops, and mentoring programs. The result of all those years of focus on leaders, managers, and mentors has been positive and lasting change for themselves and the people they work with …. greater engagement, increased interpersonal effectiveness, better decisions, overturned challenges, more effective performance and increased satisfaction.
My work is both illuminating and practical. Interesting concepts, new information, and brilliant ideas alone do not lead to lasting change. Fact is, learning is not true development until it is applied by the learner so they can experience new ideas and new behaviors in action. That way they know what it takes to feel and be competent. I help my clients field test new approaches and behaviors, then continue to fine tune, and have success with them. I also help my clients in using that same approach toward working with or developing others. This puts into motion a wonderful and dynamic ripple effect.
Please explore the website to find out more about my coaching, books, articles, programs, and speaking. Feel free to contact me for a conversation and to answer your questions.
Here’s to your growth!